Explaining research misconduct: data, hypotheses, and methodological issues

Interdisciplinary conference.
Date: 6-8 December 2023
MSH Lorraine, salle internationale, 3rd floor
91 avenue de la Libération
Nancy, France
The purpose of this interdisciplinary conference is to discuss analyses of research integrity violations across scientific fields. It is open to the different approaches from scholarly fields that analyze science, such as the philosophy, epistemology, sociology, psychology, or economics of science, and to all kinds of scientific methods, be they conceptual, empirical, qualitative, or formal.
Keynote speakers:
- Hanne Andersen, history and philosophy of science (University of Copenhagen)
- Marjan Bakker, psychology (Methods and Statistics department, Tilburg University)
- Remco Heesen, philosophy of science, formal philosophy (London School of Economics)
- Philippe Mongeon, bibliometry (Dalhousie University)
- Amalya Oliver, sociology (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Talks by selected contributors are expected to be given a 30-40 minute slot (presentation + discussion).
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Submissions of abstracts are open from April 5 to June 22, 2023.
Please submit both a long (up to 500 words) abstract and a short 100-word abstract in the "Submit an Abstract" section of this site.
The conference is organized within the framework of the CRISP research project, which is funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Projet-ANR-20-CE27-0016). We are also grateful to the Poincaré Archives and to the Knowledge, Language, Communications & Societies (CLCS) Science Cluster from Lorraine University for their financial support.
Scientific committee:
Cyrille Imbert (CNRS, Lorraine University), main organizer
Aurélien Allard (Sorbonne University), main organizer
Anouk Barberousse (Sorbonne University)
- Olivier Leclerc (CNRS, Nanterre University)
Jérôme Michalon (CNRS, ENS Lyon)
Stéphanie Ruphy (ENS Paris)
Contact:  use the contact page on this site or directly send an email to Aurélien Allard (aurelien dot ab dot allard at gmail.com) and Cyrille Imbert (whose professional address may be found on his webpage).
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